Associated Press reports on Pres. Obama's picks for the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament, including the indication that the
POTUS will likely be watching a lot of the tournament. I have to admit that at first this article irritated me. What is the President doing picking a bracket and watching the tournament in the depths of an economic crisis? Then I realized that I was not upset that the President was watching the tournament, partly because I hope to be able to do some of the same myself, but I was upset about the incredible bias of the media. Pres. Obama makes bracket picks and it is a fun piece. If this had been Pres. Bush, the media would have savaged him for not working on the current crisis, for being lazy, and my personal favorite, for being stupid. I will have to root for someone other than North Carolina because I do not want to see the headlines that claim the
Tarheels were inspired to win the tournament based on Pres.
Obama's confidence in them.
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