Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Administration of Oz

I have to admit that when I first started reading this article by Bob Burney I thought the start was stupid. Then I thought about it for a moment and realized Mr. Burney was making some great points. His analogy was very insightful. We have been thrust into the land of Oz. I really enjoyed his article and I hope he is right. I would even carry his analogy one step further by saying that the problems everyone wanted solved by the Wizard were actually solved by themselves, their own independent perseverance and determination, as they went through the various trials on the way to see the Wizard. I do think there is a good lesson in there for all of us.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pork Plant Workers

I was hoping this headline referred to Congress. I am glad these pork plant workers are feeling a little better, but it appears there is no hope in sight for Congress.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Pres. Obama's Surge

It has not received must press attention at all, but Pres. Obama has authorized and called for a surge of troops into Afghanistan. I wanted to find a "big name" source to link to for this story, and there may be one somewhere, but it simply was not easy to find. Instead, I have a nice link to a Rockford, Illinois news station story that mentions the surge. The good news is that I also have a commentary on the story by Oliver North. You can read both and decide for yourself which story actually contains some useful information, analysis and reporting.

I cannot help but wonder what all the liberals who were so happy to vote for Pres. Obama think about this surge, or closing Guantanamo (maybe, in a year), or all the other far-left promises made by Pres. Obama that have not come to pass. The liberals I know are incredibly quick to blame Bush for all war-related casualties and problems. They were also very happy Pres. Obama would of course bring an end to war. Now that Pres. Obama is actually increasing U.S. military presence in Afghanistan, I wonder if they are still happy. The press and my liberal friends are relatively silent on this matter.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Un B Lievable

This article from the Washington Post is just too much to take. The praise heaped on Pres. Obama and his "leadership" to get the stimulus bill passed is just amazing. Not only does the article declare the passage of the bill one of the greatest victories for any president, let alone a president in office a mere three weeks, but it also explains why Pres. Obama has made such mistakes picking cabinet members and staff - he is just so focused on this stimulus bill. Passage of the stimulus bill is apparently already enough to declare that, according to Speaker Pelosi, "The American people know, and historians are judging, that this is one remarkable president." Really? Passage of the biggest spending bill in the history of the U.S., which other news sources are declaring a disaster that could also spark a trade war, is already enough for history to declare this one of the greatest presidential victories ever? And what was the achievement? Pres. Obama convinced an overwhelming majority of Democrats in both houses of Congress, and a trio of "Republicans," to spend incredible amounts of money? That sounds like convincing Michael Moore he wants to eat another dozen donuts.

I am not sure I can stomach four years of this adoration, even worship.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Obama's Surge

It appears Pres. Obama is going to send as many as 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan. The final decision, including the number of troops sent, is a few days away. However, I am willing to bet that this "surge" will be really popular and a huge success right from the start. One thing I must say is that at least Pres. Obama seems willing to learn from some of Pres. Bush's experiences.

Regretfully Agree

I think Ann Coulter can have a good idea and a good message, but I also think she usually tries to make her point too aggressively, and sometimes just rude. I understand that though because she wants to sell books and articles and I understand that right now, snarky comments and mild insults seem to sell really well on both sides of the political spectrum. However, I do not discount the content of a good message when it is there. Ms. Coulter is correct that we have now become more of a socialist society than any other time previously. I hate to admit it, but I think the term "socialist-democracy" would fit all too well with America right now. I simply do not understand why there are so many people that purposefully want to relinquish their personal responsibilities, and accordingly their person freedoms, to the government. What makes them think, or believe (if I may use that "religious" term, especially in connection with the current administration), that the government can and will do a better job of taking care of their needs and wants than they will. I am afraid we will now pay the price for having the larger portion of voting Americans fit that description.

Conspiracy Theory

I am not much for conspiracy theories, but I have to admit that this article by Diana West has some interesting questions. If the economy was "attacked" in some way, I would certainly like to know about it. Maybe there is a way to put an earlier safeguard that will prevent things from getting as far as they did. Then again, maybe there is not much to this article. Hopefully, time will tell.