article in the Wall Street Journal by Janet Adamy is simply amazing. It really exposes the undeniable leap in logic that liberals seem to have when it comes to taxes. First, the article talks about how some people want to help pay for Pres.
Obama's new health care system by imposing a tax on soda. Then, the article talks about how taxing soda (a very unhealthy beverage) will improve people's health because they will consume less of it. Somehow, no one seems to put these two ideas together and ask or answer the obvious question: If you are taxing soda to pay for health care and the tax results in less people drinking soda, how are you going to pay for the health care? The money you think you will get from taxing soda will go down as people stop drinking soda, so you will not get as much money to pay for health care as you project. Where is the money supposed to come from? On a related note, everyone seems to understand that if you tax soda, people will end up drinking less soda. So why do people not seem to understand that if you tax prosperity, there will be less prosperity? Taxing something is how you destroy it.